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Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. Flutter transforms the app development process. Build, test, and deploy beautiful mobile, web, desktop, and embedded apps from a single codebase. Many businesses have an opportunity to create an application as development services have become accessible even to small companies, but an overwhelming number of apps still fail. Among other things, your choice of technology is an important success factor. Choosing a language or framework with poor performance might drastically reduce your chances for success.

RJ DIGITAL WEB TECH provides Flutter app development, a cross-platform UI toolkit for mobile, web, and desktop applications. Flutter is a technology used by small companies and large brands, such as Alibaba, Abbey Road Studios, and The New York Times. We prefer Flutter to its alternatives because it allows us to build aesthetically pleasing apps in record-breaking time.

Why Flutter?

Cross-platform App Development

If you are new to app development, you might be overwhelmed with information about how to create an Android application or launch an iOS app. So why not develop for iOS and Android at the same time? With Flutter, you gain access to simple cross-platform mobile app development tools designed to save you time and reduce the headaches typically associated with developing two apps simultaneously. With one codebase for both platforms, your job is much easier.

It’s Fast, Fast, Fast

When it comes to mobile app development, speed is the name of the game. For developers, here’s how Flutter hits the mark: Any changes in the code are immediately visible in the app. Flutter calls this “hot reload” and defines it as follows: Flutter’s hot reload feature helps you quickly and easily experiment, build UIs, add features, and fix bugs. Hot reload works by injecting updated source code files into the running Dart Virtual Machine (VM). After the VM updates classes with the new versions of fields and functions, the Flutter framework automatically rebuilds the widget tree, allowing you to quickly view the effects of your changes.

Support For Older Devices

It is a major concern of all developers, especially as updated operating systems are regularly pushed out to users. With Flutter, your app will appear the same, even if it is running on older versions of Android and iOS. This is a big deal for many reasons:

  • It saves developers time (and headaches).
  • It reduces costs.
  • It ensures a top-notch user experience (which is the primary goal).

RJ DIGITAL WEB TECH Flutter app development is about using ready-made widgets to create applications. Compared to other common approaches like layouts, views, or controllers, Flutter’s widget technique allows for a consistent object model and easy to use developing process. From button to font, everything you touch is a widget in Flutter development, whereas widgets can be combined to constitute layouts that are more complex.

RJ DIGITAL WEB TECHNOLOGIES Flutter app developers gain access to a wide selection of widgets that can be reused and customized to create exquisite user interfaces. However, Flutter’s widgets are organized in trees, which is why it is imperative to plan if you are building a large app.

Cost Efficiency

Building one codebase instead of two is an obvious advantage. Money will be saved due to a shortened development cycle, fewer developers, as well as reduced complexity. As a result, you will be releasing two apps for Android and iOS faster and on a smaller budget.

Google Guaranteed

Apps made with Flutter are guaranteed years-long support from Google as the company uses the technology itself. You can be sure that Google will continue to fix bugs, release new versions, and contribute to the technology as much as they can. Flutter app development is involved in many Google projects such as Google Fuchsia, which is proof that Flutter will be around for a long time.

Flutter 2

Flutter 2 is the new version that encompasses the transformation from purely mobile app development technology to complete platform independence. Now Flutter can be used to run apps on Linux, Windows, and macOS, besides Android and iOS. Moreover, the Flutter team is working on expanding the technology to IoT and wearables, like smart home appliances.

Great MVP Builder

MVPs have become the must-have for every start-up as they can help you to validate your idea and get the initial funding for your project. MVPs are small, basic app versions with essential features that are easy to build and launch. They exist to test the concept and collect the first feedback to make a better app in the next iteration. Without an MVP, companies have a tough time finding investors and have to go into development blindly. Flutter app development is a great choice for an MVP, as the SDK is extensive, easy to understand and learn, and delivers excellent apps.